Children and Youth Associations
Bambiriáda is unbeatably the biggest opportunity for Children & Youth Associations and Leisure Time Centers in the Czech Republic to introduce their activities. It was organized by the Czech Council of Children and Youth at the end of May already ten times. In this year more than hundred of Children and Youth Associations and Children and Youth Centers and similar initiatives in at least fourteen towns can show to more than 200,000 visitors - children, young people, parents, politicians and the wide society in all regions - how they contribute to the joy, personal growth and meaningful use of leisure time of children and young people. Over the ten years the event has gained a high recognition. A number of public administration institutions are involved in its organization. The eleventh year has a specific title: “We are involved”, linked to the cross-border European commitment of the young people.
Bambiriáda is the official part of the Czech Presidency Event, so called Youth Event for young delegates of twenty seven EU countries and EFTA.
Media show an increased interest in the event and it is under auspices of a number of politicians at local as well as national level. Bambiriáda in respective regions is often a symbol of successful co-operation between non-governmental non-profit organizations and municipalities and of their common interest in the future of children and youth.
Mrs. Livia Klausová, the First Lady, wife of the Czech president, took over the general auspice in 2009.
• Mgr. Ondřej Liška, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports
• JUDr. Vlasta Parkanová, Minister of Defence
• Lieutenant General Ing. Vlastimil Picek, Chief of the General Staff of ACR
Bambiriáda Going International
It has already been a few years since Bambiriáda does not take place only in the Czech Republic: it was already held also in Slovakia and Poland. Some Czech towns organize Bambiriáda meetings with young people and volunteers who are involved in after-school activities and who come from partner towns from abroad.
There is a quite new idea too, which came up from the cooperation with the Czech Army. Czech Army is placed i.a. for long term peace keeping mission in Kosovo and initiated together with Czech Council of Children and Youth a charity gathering for a local school in Sajkovac, chosen because of total lack of facilities for pupil’s development, like for example PC for media education and equipment for sports.
Celostátní partneři
Celostátní záštity
- Mgr. Ondřej Liška, ministr školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
- JUDr. Vlasta Parkanová, ministryně obrany
- generálporučík Ing. Vlastimil Picek, náčelník Generálního štábu AČR